

In December 2020, we received a very precious gift from God. After a decade of being married, we're finally blessed and expecting a child.

We went to my OB-GYN doctor to confirm, and yes we're having a baby!

But we needed to be extra careful as there's just so many factors and threats to my pregnancy - age, subchorionic hemorrhage, risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension, and of course the covid-19 pandemic.

I was in bedrest and had to take lots of medicines for my subchorionic hemorrhage during most of my first trimester bu fortunately, I didn't have morning sickness. I wore PPE (face mask, face shield, and gown) during my clinic appointments. I religiously monitored my blood sugar levels starting second trimester and my blood pressure during my third trimester. Despite all the hardships, we knew in our hearts that it's all gonna be worth it.

Part of being cautious, we only go out of the house for hospital visits. So, everything we needed we buy online to be delivered. We are also thankful for family members who tirelessly prepared and brought food for us.

As my due date drew near, we started buying baby stuff. We were overwhelmed with so many options online (as well as the amount of stuff we needed to buy), so we took our time to pick the best ones that are both high quality and fits our budget. Unboxing baby stuff made us even more excited to meet our baby. Oh, have I not mentioned yet? We're having a baby GIRL! 

Part of the hospital protocols these days is to present a negative RT-PCR test result to be admitted and the validity of the test is 7 days only. I had to take the swab test 2x. And it's totally fine that baby girl took her precious time baking inside mommy's tummy and be full-term ;) 

On the dawn of July 21, 2021, 1 week before the expected due date, I had the so-called "bloody show" and was already feeling minor contractions. So we informed my doctor, took a quick bath, gathered our hospital bags (which we packed on my 35th week), and went straight to the hospital as instructed. Ed did a rapid test for Covid-19 (negative). After being checked and done with the paper works, I was then admitted the same day at around 8am. I was brought to the delivery room at 2pm. The contractions intensify by the hour. I remember there was even a time when I'd almost jump out of the bed due to labor pain. Then, at 7:25pm, I gave birth to our baby via normal spontaneous delivery with epidural.

To our precious baby, Eliana Graciela, welcome to our lives. Now, our family is complete. We'll do our best to be great parents to you. We love you very much!


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